Feeldmarshell Bosnik's fleet

The building of an ork fleet for Battlefleet Gothic part 2: Choosing a paint scheme

From the start it was a given that the fleet would be that of Feeldmarshell Bosnik of my 40k blood axes warband. I use lots of camo with da Sneeky Speshul Forciz, but how to transfer camouflage into space? Especially as ideally it would use similar colours as my 40k models.
I toyed with several ideas and then decided to give a "desert camo" a try. I primed the model white and inked it brown, before drybrushing it with bubonic brown and bleached bone. Step by step I added details and finally tried metal bands. Here are the steps and the final result:

Drybrushed with bubonic brown and highlighted with bleached bone:

Details added and more highlights:

The final result with metal bands and details:

Now I was ready to paint my fleet.

On to the Paint a BFG fleet kontust.

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